photo: Yanai Yechiel
My Journey With Teaching
In 2011, I accepted a teaching position at the Haute École de Musique de Geneve. Since then, teaching has become an integral part of my musical life, and a constant engine for my own learning and growth. I have been very fortunate to have had an outstanding education. Not only from my principal teachers, but also through my experiences in chamber music and orchestras. Throughout the years, I collected a great deal of information and it is through teaching that I continue to synthesize this information to a coherent approach.
Entrance exams for my class are held every year in April. Students who are interested in applying are invited to visit my class, hear lessons, and play for me. I seriously encourage anyone interested in applying to visit visiting our school, and meet me and my students in person. The school website is another resource worth exploring. If you are interested in taking lessons with me, please stay informed on this site for opportunities to study with me in different courses and seminars.
The Jerusalem Quartet serves as the quartet-in-resident of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. The quartet also teaches every summer at the Crans Montana Classics Master Classes, where we spend an intense week of teaching and performances with four outstanding young string quartets. Please contact me for more details.